Separated at birth?

Ok, is this, or is this not the same person? On the left, we have Mysterious Female Person at this year’s New England Patriots Cheerleaders finals. On the right, Angela Lavoie, alumni Patriots Cheerleader (on the team for the 2007, 2008, and 2010 seasons.)

Everybody knows the Pats Cheerleaders have a three-season term limit. Three seasons, and you’re out. That’s been the rule for as long as I can remember. Angela did her three, so that can’t be her. But that other girl…IS her. Seriously, do they not look exactly alike? Is Angela back? Is that her evil twin?

As they say in Español, explicame por favor, because I do not understand this. And it’s going to bug the crapola outta me until I get some answers.

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2 thoughts on "Separated at birth?"

  1. kyle says:

    they switched it to a 4 year limit and all of the old alumni were able to try out again because they were only allowed 3 years. Alyssa caddle who was on the team from 2006-2009 tried out as well with her.

  2. Sandra says:

    The rules changed this year. The three year rule now became 4 and veteran cheerleaders who retired after their three years can come back to try out for a 4th. Go Pats!

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