Ultimate Cheerleaders

Rider Cheerleader Profile: Jocelyn

jocelynsaskAge: 20

Hometown: Saskatoon

Occupation or student status: Dietary Aide

Year on team: Second

Dancer or Stunter: Stunter

Tell us about your previous cheerleader and/or athletic experience.

I have been cheerleading for seven years now. I loved both track and cheerleading equally growing up until I graduated high school and had to choose which one to do at the university level. Cheerleading won the battle and now I am doing things I never thought I would as a stunter for the Riders!

Were you a fan of Riders before joining the 620 CKRM Cheerleaders?

I was and still am a very big fan of the Riders!!! I grew up watching each game with my parents and learning a lot about football.

Who is your favourite Rider player of all time?

I can’t say that I have a ton of knowledge on the history of Riders players but being on the cheer team has allowed me to see first-hand the talent and dedication each player has. If I had to name one I would say Number 60, Gene Makowsky. He is a great role model for the sport and after 16 years as a Roughrider I would think he has a ton of Rider Pride!

What’s the scariest thing that’s happened while you were cheerleading?

The scariest thing for me is learning a new skill. It takes a lot of trust to be thrown 10-20 feet in the air and do an inverted skill, hoping to land safely in your base’s arms.

What should the fans in the stands know about your work as a dancer/stunter?

I think that the fans should know that we put an enormous amount of time into the skills we show on game day. When we do perform the skills, we are performing them on cement with all kinds of weather. It is very challenging to stick stunts in rain and snow but we are out there each game cheering on our team and getting the fans pumped up!

Outside of cheerleading, what is the talent or accomplishment of which you are most proud?

I am most proud of my track accomplishments. As a sprinter I have broken many records, some of which I still hold.

What are your future plans?

I am as of now on my way to becoming a registered nurse. I am still quite young so I try not to look too far into my future. I’d rather live life in the present and let what happens happen.

[Saskatoon Rider Cheer Team]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent