Ultimate Cheerleaders

Search results for: charger girls

Charger Girl focuses on sights, not sounds

FOX 5 San Diego October 18, 2011 [Click here to watch the video] SAN DIEGO – When the Charger Girls perform on the field of San Diego’s Qualcomm Stadium, music blares over the sound system at ear-splitting levels, but one girl hardly hears it. Severely hearing impaired since age 5, Melissa performs by sight as […]

Chargers Kick The Dolphins Into Submission

The Chargers have been playing uncharacteristically of late.  Their usually high powered offense has sputtered all season long and their usually stout defense has been rather pedestrian in the first three games, making it hard to imagine that the Chargers actually led the NFL in offense and defense last year.  But going in this week’s […]

Auditions for the First Ever San Diego Socker Girls

The Sockers are members of the PASL (Professional Arena Soccer League) but have never had a dance team. The club reached out to former Charger Girl Robin Wayman to start the Socker Girls. Robin is very excited for this new venture and feels that with all of her experience, she’ll be able to create a […]

In Escaping Loss To Lowly Chiefs, Chargers Receive Wake Up Call

Most NFL fans expected a blow out win for the Chargers on Sunday.  After all, they were playing the 0-2 Chiefs who had been out scored 89 – 10 in the previous two games and were without star running back Jamaal Charles, lost for the season due to a knee injury.  But a funny thing […]

Chargers Pillage The Vikings

Fatigue, thy name is…mine.  Just 24 four hours earlier, I was in Sacramento, covering the 2011 Sacramento Kings Dancers open call auditions (more about that later this week).  Sunday and 504 miles later, I was in San Diego to attend the Chargers home opener against the Minnesota Vikings.  Now being an old geezer of 48 […]

From Flight Crew to Charger Girl: Cheerleader makes a move

By Rich Mardekian, Editor Community News (Fair Lawn Edition) 8/29/2011 When the National Football League (NFL) lockout ended in July the period that followed saw a frenzied time with scores of athletes leaving their old teams for new squads. The free agent players weren’t the only ones changing teams – a cheerleader from Fair Lawn […]

Charger Girl Bios Updated

Charger Girl bios and videos have been updated on the Chargers main website.    Read about your favorite Charger Girls here.  

Two cheers for Chargers

MARTY JAMES Napa Valley Register April 26, 2011 As a San Diego Charger Girl, Lauren O’Bryon always takes a minute or two before the game and then at some point during the game to look at her surroundings at Qualcomm Stadium. It involves mostly just looking into the stands — which are filled to capacity […]

Scenes from Charger Girl Finals

So, there are two choices here. (A) I can make you all wait, while I agonize over writing something appropriately witty about the Charger Girl finals. Or (B) go right to the photos. So how do you want to do this? That’s what I thought. Here are some of my favorites. Click here to see […]

PCB Field Trip: 2011 Charger Girl Open Call Auditions

Every year, I promise myself that I’m driving down to San Diego for a Chargers game. I’m driving down to Fan Fest. I’m driving down for the calendar release party. And it never happens. I contemplate the traffic and my tendency to get sleepy at the wheel, and I think “Next time. I’ll definitely go […]