Ultimate Cheerleaders


Boston Cannons Dance Team Auditions Announced!

The Boston Cannons Dancers are a professional dance team that performs at all Boston Cannons Home Games throughout the regular season. The squad was founded in 2002, one year after the Boston Cannon’s inaugural season, making them the longest standing Major League Lacrosse dance team in history.  Under the leadership of Director/Coach Ines Costa, the […]

Random Cheerleader Pic of the Day

Random Cheerleader Pic of the Day

2018 New York Lizards Dance Team Tryouts

Click on the image for more information.

Denver Outlaws Dancers Auditions – February 17

2018 Denver Outlaws Dancer Audition Information Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Denver Outlaws Dancers.  The Denver Outlaws is a first class organization that strives to be the best it can be from the front office to the Denver Outlaws Dancers.  We are all committed to excellence and maintaining a […]

2018 New York Lizards Dance Team Audition/Pre-Audition Clinic

The New York Lizards Dance Team is casting talented woman for the 2018 MLL Season. Dancers will perform at all MLL New York Lizards home games at Hofstra University and represent the NY Lizards at events and promotions. Seeking females, 18+, who are versatile dancers with a strong technically trained background in jazz and hip […]

2017 P-R-O Convention All Star: Charlotte Foxes Cheerleader McKayla

Our next 2017 P-R-O Convention All Star honoree comes from Major League Lacrosse, specifically the Charlotte Foxes. The Foxes are the official dance team of the Charlotte Hounds, which were founded in 2011. I believe this is the first time that they were here at P-R-O and I was fortunate enough to snag one of […]

Nurse Dances Her Way To The Broncos Sidelines

By Kathy Walsh CBS Denver May 11, 2016 DENVER (CBS4) – This football season there will be a nurse on the sidelines at Denver Broncos home games. She won’t be practicing her profession, but rather, her passion. It took three attempts for the young woman to realize her dream. Now, she’ll be dancing for joy […]

Denver Outlaws Dancers Workshops and Auditions coming soon!

Denver Outlaws Dancers Auditions and Audition Workshops are around the corner

Megan Savage-Reser, Director of the Denver Outlaws Dancers of Major League Lacrosse lets us know that their Auditions and Audition Workshops are coming up! Information is available at denveroutlaws.com such as AUDITION WORKSHOP INFORMATION at this link and 2016 OUTLAWS DANCER AUDITIONS at this link, or email outlawsdancers@denveroutlaws.com.