Ultimate Cheerleaders

New Orleans Hornets

Former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Signs with VIP Ink Publishing

VIP Ink Publishing April 8, 2015 Former New Orleans Saintsation, New Orleans Hornets Honeybee, and Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Deryn Derbigny has signed with VIP Ink Publishing to tell her story of overcoming the obstacles she faced in achieving her success as a professional dancer. Her story is one of perseverance and is an encouragement to […]

Photo of the Day – March 10

From last night at the Barclays Center – Alexa of the Brooklynettes Alexa is also a former New Orleans Honeybee And Winner of the 2013 AKD Sports Model Search

Danity Kane is back!

Ok, I cannot be the only one who is SUPER excited about this. If ever a group deserved a second chance, it’s this one. It is my hope that after five years apart, the ladies have gained the maturity and perspective they need to make it work this time around. For those who don’t remember, […]

Bittersweet: The Final Home Stand as the Honey Bees

by Erin Nicole WGNO.com Take a good look around… A lot of sweet memories were made here… A lot of heart pounding practices took place just to make the team. This weekend marks the end of an era. The Honey Bees’ last home stand. “I’ve been on this team six wonderful seasons with the Hornets, […]

Alexa of the New Orleans Honeybees is the Winner of the 2013 AKD Sports Model Search

Angela King Designs is proud to announce the 2013 AKD Sports Model Search Winner is Alexa Kobylarz of New Orleans, Louisiana! Originally from the Jersey Shore, Alexa is a captain of the New Orleans Hornets “Honeybees” Dance Team. At the age of 21, she will soon complete her bachelor’s degree in marketing from Tulane University. […]

File this under: Waterfowl

At the end of the current NBA season, the New Orleans Hornets are changing their name to the New Orleans Pelicans. No really. THE PELICANS. The first time I read this information, I thought for sure this was some kind of joke. Pelicans? Aren’t team mascots supposed to be fierce, strong, and warrior-like? Pelicans???? Don’t […]

Cooking With The New Orleans Hornets Honeybees Dancers

The New Orleans Hornets’ Honeybees can dance, but can they cook a Thanksgiving meal? ABC26 decided to put them to the test. News with a Twist’s Kenny Lopez went to Borgne restaurant where these NBA dancers sweetened things up by adding their special ingredient.

Three Honeybees Herald from St. Charles and St. John

By Earl Hodges NoLa.com For as long as Victoria Pellerin can recall, she has dreamed of being a Honeybee for the New Orleans Hornets. “The Honeybees have always been a role model for me,” said Pellerin, 20, of Montz. “I would see them at the dance school I attended, and I was always in awe […]

Slideshow: Meet your 2012 Honeybees dance team

wwltv.com July 24, 2012 Thirty five women tried out for the Honeybees dance team Sunday, with 23 of them coming away with spots on the sidelines for Hornets games next season. (All photos by Chad Bower / Eyewitness News ) [photo gallery]

2012-13 Honeybees

Now this is what I call fast. The ink is barely dry on the dancers’ contracts, and the team already has uniform photos on the Hornets website. I’m sure these will be replaced by updated photos as we get closer to the season and the team has time to do uniform fittings, polish up everyone’s […]