Ultimate Cheerleaders


Vote for your favorite Clippers Spirit finalists!

The Clippers want your input. Click here to cast your votes!

Vote for your favorite finalists for the Milwaukee Bucks Dancers

Auditions are underway for the 2014-15 Milwaukee Bucks Dance Team. Click here to read up on the candidates and cast your votes!

Vote for your favorite Houston Rockets Power Dancer Finalists

Houston Rockets: Click here to learn a little about each finalist and tweet your favorite. Cilck here for photos from this year’s open call audition. A few resume factoids: Casey danced for the Houston Texans (NFL) 2012-14 Mari danced for the Austin Toros (NBA D-League) 2009-14 Mayem danced for the Minnesota Timberwolvesw (NBA) 2010-14 Taryn […]

And the winner is…

The Dallas Cowboys asked fans to vote for the cover of this year’s Dallas Cowboys Star Magazine annual swimsuit issue. 14 veteran Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders were in the running. The competition was narrowed down to the top three (Katy, Samantha, and Sydney) and the winner has been selected. Congratulations Samantha!

Vote for your favorite Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Rookie Finalists

The dancer with the most votes automatically goes to DCC training camp. Click here to cast your vote! (The site has been hit or miss, so if you can’t get through, try again later.) Update: New link for voting. Click here Updated (again): Use this link to vote! Click here to watch the finalist videos! […]

Vote for your favorite Dolphins Cheerleader finalists!

The judges narrowed the field down to 76, and they’ll choose the final team tomorrow. Help them out by voting for your top 5 candidates to make the team. Click here to vote now!

Vote for your favorite Vikings Cheerleader finalists

Who do YOU want to see on the team? Click here to cast your vote on Vikings.com! [Click image to view full size]

Toronto Argos Cheerleader 2014 Wild Card Voting

The final spot on our 2014 Toronoto Argos Cheerleaders is up to the fans. Watch the three videos and then vote in the poll below to help us pick who gets the final blue rose! Cast your vote here.

Vote your favorite DCC into the calendar

This year the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are asking fans to choose the photos that will be included in the team’s 2014-15 sideline calender. (The sideline calender shows the cheerleaders in uniform, performing on game day.) All of the veterans who hope to return to the team in 2014 are in the running, so click here […]

2014 AKD Sports Model Seatch Voting is Open

Go here and click like and then vote for the face of AKD. Voting ends this Friday.