Ultimate Cheerleaders

July 2009

Buffalo Jills at the Opening of Bills Training Camp

jillscampPhil’s photos of the Jills and Bills Training Camp

Philadelphia Fight Vixens Dance Team Finale

fightlast056Photos of the Vixens Dance Team from last Saturday’s match.

Automotion Auditions

2009-pistons-audition_18Automotion held their annual auditions Tuesday at The Palace. Over 150 hopefuls gathered to showcase their talents…

Redskins Cheerleaders entertain sailors, families for USS Harry S. Truman

When it comes to entertaining our Armed Forces, the Redskins Cheerleaders are tops. wrc-harry-truman-2009

Heat Dancer Audition Coverage

Photos, videos, and more! Get the scoop. 2009-heat-auditions_1

Scenes from Mavs Dancer Auditions

2009-mavs-audition_1Pictures from the audition process.

2009-10 Golden State Warrior Girls

The team has been selected! 2009-warrior-girls_lacy1

2009 Laker Girl Auditions

More photos from Laker Girl auditions.2009-lg-audition_16tjumb

New York Islanders Ice Girls Tryouts

NY Islanders Ice Girl Auditions are Saturday, August 15th

Chiefs Cheerleader Calendar Premiere Party Set

chiefscheerThe Chiefs Cheerleaders unveil their calendar July 29th!