Ultimate Cheerleaders

Gotham City Cheerleaders on the Atlanta Skybridge

There is a skybridge that connects the Marriott (where the P-R-O Convention was held this year) and the Hilton (where it was held previously). Early on Sunday, before the convention resumed a few of the Gotham City Cheerleaders were kind enough to pose for me there.

The NY Giants don’t have cheerleaders, yet. The Gotham City Cheerleaders are working from the outside to create a groundswell of support, so that the team will finally join the 21st Century and institute a squad.





[GCC Skybridge Gallery]

[Gotham City Cheerleaders]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent

One thought on "Gotham City Cheerleaders on the Atlanta Skybridge"

  1. Phil says:

    Outstanding pics, James! So proud of Natalie and I know she’ll be a major asset to the GCC

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