Ultimate Cheerleaders


Last Thursday night’s Rams home game was not only the last home game of the season, but may be the last Rams game ever in St. Louis. Chants alternated among the crowd between, “Keep the Rams, Keep the Rams” and one that rhymes with “Kroenke ducks, Kroenke ducks.” Certainly that one will melt the heart of Rams owner Stan Kroenke, and increase his love of St. Louis, similarly to how the Grinch’s heart enlarges into a state of cardiomegaly. We will know what teams move to (or back to) LA, and the impact on St. Louis NFL immediate future in the coming months. Agent Leigh Steinberg’s prediction in Forbes is Rams and Chargers to Los Angeles, and Raiders to St. Louis. We shall see….

In the meantime, some photos from the Rams-Bucs game of one of the lines of the lovely Rams Cheerleaders:









Travona is a rookie Tennessee Titans Cheerleader, also working on her doctorate

Travona is a rookie Tennessee Titans Cheerleader, also working on her doctorate

Fans may view Travona of the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders as a beautiful, talented bundle of personality and dance energy, which she is; but Travona is taking a look at cheerleading and focusing from an academic perspective. “The focus and topic of my doctoral research is Academic and Psychological Aspects of Collegiate Cheerleading,” Travona shares. “As an avid cheerleader and with cheerleading and dance being extremely mainstream, I was very surprised to find that there is limited scholarly research on this target population, collegiate cheerleaders. Numerous studies have been conducted on other student athletes, but very few on cheerleading. Cheerleaders are usually in the forefront of the university as school ambassadors and yet cheerleaders are stereotyped and not respected. Therefore, my research aims to educate those who are simply uneducated or unaware on the various dynamics and dimensions of cheerleading and cheerleaders. Collegiate cheerleaders are required to cheer for football, basketball, some schools even cheer for volleyball and soccer, and have their own competitive season all while being required to maintain a minimum 2.6 GPA; or 3.0 minimum at some schools. Many times these students miss classes and volunteer in the community and are ambassadors for their respective college/university, yet they are not considered athletes and are preconceived to be mindless, empty shells of beauty and muscle. It is my educated hypothesis that the individuals who participate and love this rigorous and highly athletic activity are academically and psychologically affected; therefore I am conducting research to provide insight one way or the other to hopefully provide reputable and scholarly research to the world of cheerleading.”

Far from being an empty vessel, Travona’s full life includes working all over the world, extensive educational pursuits, and a childhood pet pig. Travona shared with UltimateCheerleaders how she went from tomboy girl from the country, who thought her legs were too scratched up to be a cheerleader, to an NFL pro dancer and cheer coach. As Travona says, “Remember the quote from the movie Forrest Gump, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get’? Well, I think that has been my life; so far.” So jump on board and hold on tight, because the Travona’s life is a delicious journey that will encounter interesting tales from all over the world!

Being in a constant state of movement is true about many dimensions of Travona’s life. “Compared to some of my friends, I never had long term roots or a true place I could really call home,” Travona shares. “To help ease the transition, my mom always told me that, ‘Home is where you hang your hat.’ Up until I graduated college, I had never lived anywhere for more than four years. My family is from Trinidad, but I was born in America. I’m a Bostonian and after three amazing years of life, my family moved south to South Carolina.” During that time, Travona lived in the South Carolina cities of Columbia (“It was there that I had my first TV appearance at the age of five on the Mr. Knozit Show, a television program for children”), then her mom’s home town of Holly Hill (“There is a sign as you enter the city limits calling it the ‘Biggest little town in South Carolina’; when I first read that sign, I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever read”), then Orangeburg (“It was there that I performed my first musical number, as a flower singing while swaying back and forth in the school’s production of ‘Under the Sea’). Then it was on to North Carolina, Durham for middle school and Raleigh for high school, and then for Travona, “It was time to spread my wings.”


“After completing high school, I moved off to college to Greensboro, North Carolina,” Travona’s journey continues. “Upon completing college, I moved to Rock Hill, South Carolina, while working in Charlotte for the Charlotte Bobcats. After Rock Hill, I moved to Gallatin, Tennessee, right outside of Nashville. After my brief stint in Nashville an amazing opportunity presented itself and I couldn’t say no. I was offered a chance to see another part of the world, so I did the unthinkable and moved to Daejeon, South Korea! I spent two years in Korea and then I moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I spent one year in Saudi and decided that I wanted to return stateside to begin my doctorate. After returning stateside I commuted between Nashville, Boston, and Raleigh, until finally relocating and settling where I currently live in LaVergne, Tennessee! Whew, that’s a lot. Yikes.”

When Travona is on the field with the Titans, the sidelines are awash with her high energy. Was Travona a high energy child, like her personal geographic trek, always on the move? “Yes, I have always been active,” answers Travona. “However, I was not an active dancer or cheerleader. I was a tomboy, I climbed trees, jumped ditches and played with our animals. I was literally raised on a farm in South Carolina. My favorite childhood memory was right after we moved away from the farm; my mom surprised me and brought one of the piglets from the farm with us when we moved to Orangeburg. I had my first pet, my very own pig whose name was Tire, pronounced ‘Teer.’ Don’t ask me, I was young, named him, and clearly couldn’t spell very well. But, that’s what I wanted so that’s what it was. Tire was the best first pet ever; he lived in the house until he got too big. Yes, I had a real life Charlotte’s Web situation going on he actually lived in the house with us for a short period of time. I really thought we were like the Ziffel family from the show ‘Green Acres,’ my pig was the same color as Arnold and almost as smart. Once he got too big, we spent time together outside. I would feed him and as he ate, I would rub his tummy and he would lean against the fence letting me know that he still enjoyed our time together. I felt horrible leaving him outside alone especially at night. So we ended up getting more pigs to help keep him company and the next thing you know we had a pig farm! Little piggies everywhere; I loved it!”

And Travona’s life of a tomboy in the country actually made her not consider cheerleading in school. “Even though I have a strong solid foundation in cheerleading, I didn’t start at an early age,” reports Travona. “I played volleyball, soccer, and ran track all before becoming a cheerleader. I started cheerleading when I was about twelve years old in seventh grade. I’ll never forget helping my math teacher carry boxes to her car after school one day, and she said ‘Travona, you should try-out for the cheerleading team; you’re very strong.’ I said I can’t be a cheerleader; I’m a tomboy and my legs are ugly from cuts and scars while living in the country. She said, ‘Trust me, you’re going to have even more scars after cheerleading, it’s not all glitter and glam like people think it is.’”


“My interest was piqued so I went home talked with my mom and I tried out for the team, and we made it,” Travona continues. “I say ‘we’ because my mom is the ultimate cheer mom! I instantly fell in love with cheerleading, so ultimately I had to give up volleyball and track. Luckily for me soccer, which is my heart and soul, season was opposite football and basketball. I cheered in high school; I did all-stars, competed individually, and cheered in college. After my first semester of college I was invited to audition for a semi-pro arena football dance team and thus my journey began with dance. I have danced for semi-pro basketball, football, baseball, and hockey. I have also had the amazing privilege to cheer/dance in the NBA (Charlotte Bobcats), WNBA (Charlotte Sting), NFL (Carolina Panthers), and NHL (Nashville Predators). I must say I still have a small goal to dance/cheer for a soccer, rugby, and lacrosse team. Those are the only sports that also have cheerleaders/dancers that I don’t have on my resume. Not sure if it will ever happen but it does not hurt to imagine; maybe one day!”

Cheering for so many teams and working for the Bobcats, why such a strong connection between Travona and both cheer and sports? “As a tomboy, I have always loved sports and have centered my life and education on sports and entertainment,” Travona responds. “It is because of my love and enjoyment of sports that I figured, if I do something I love, I’ll never have to work a day in my life; every day will be fun.”

And eventually coaching cheer, including being head cheer coach for a university, took Travona even to a greater degree into her passion. “Having the opportunity to touch someone else’s life as my life has been touched through sports is a driving force,” Travona says. “Academically, I was not always at my best, but I strived to excel athletically as many young athletes do, especially with the education system being what it is; sorry to say. With this being the case, I had to find a niche, and sports were mine. Two years after being introduced to the world of cheerleading, I was entrusted with my first coaching job at the early age of 14. I was the captain of my middle school, high school, and all- star cheerleading teams. I was able to master the art of followership, all the while being a leader in my own right.”


Who in Travona’s life influenced such a love of sports and cheer? “I have been blessed with people throughout my life who have believed in me and gave me opportunities to be the best ‘me’ that I can be,” Travona responds. “Outside of my two best friends (Mom and Dad) I think that absolutely throughout my life there have been people who were monumental in my journey. I have to give credit to my first cheerleading coach (Ms. A. Cline), the amazing woman who introduced me to all- stars (A.M. McDuffie), my first boss (C. Buckey), my first coaching mentor (M. Farland), and my first dance team coach (D. Zimmerman). Without these key people entering my life when they did and helping to mold me, I probably would not be where I am today. I owe them so much, and attribute my drive and motivation to the time they spent with me as I grew into myself.”

But her cheer resume is just part of Travona’s extensive curriculum vita as she advances towards her doctorate. “My family jokes all the time about my continuous educational escapades; they call me a ‘career student,’ Travona says. “Although, it does feel sometimes as if I have been in school forever. I have a Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutritional Science/Dietetics from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University, which is an HBCU located in Greensboro. Aggie Pride! We have the Greatest Homecoming on Earth (GHOE)! I have a Master’s degree in Education with a concentration in Sports Administration from Wingate University located in Mathews, North Carolina. And I am currently working toward a doctorate in Education, Leadership and Professional Practice at Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville.”

In addition, Travona is an ESL (English as a second language) instructor. English is such a challenging language to learn and teach. As an ESL instructor, what are the keys as an instructor and for a student to learn to learn English? Is there a synergy that occurs between student and teacher to be successful? “I always strive to have a good rapport or to establish an equal playing field between the students and myself,” Travona shares. “I don’t like the idea of ‘I’m the teacher, you’re the student, and it’s your job to learn from me.’ I believe that my students can teach me just as much, if not more, than what I can teach them; especially my ESL students. I have literally taught students who were in grade school that spoke multiple languages, have travelled worldwide, and the only thing holding them back is their age. Synergy in a classroom is most definitely needed especially when teaching ESL students, but even more so to students who may not see a need to be educated, or those students who have no desire to learn. I think my approach works for me; especially since I tend to take the role of friend or big sister in my classes. I rule with an iron fist but I earn the students’ trust and I definitely attempt to find a common ground between myself and the students. I’m extremely laid back and find that if you earn a person’s respect they will trust and treat you accordingly. I rarely have discipline problems or issues in my classes because I will honestly get crazy right along with them, and my students usually know that Ms. T. is a little ‘cray cray’; so when she gets that look on her face, we should be quiet. I also allow my students to police themselves. There are a variety of strategies that I have used based on the students I have, but all in all, I think it’s a level of respect, trust, and good rapport that makes for a successful classroom environment.”



Heather is this season's Tennessee Titans Pro Bowl Cheerleader!

Heather is this season’s Tennessee Titans Pro Bowl Cheerleader!

We recently featured Tennessee Titans Cheerleader Heather, whose 2015 TTC journey has taken her from Nashville to Ottawa to Australia. And now add in a visit to Hawaii!

Heather will represent her Titan Cheerleader sisters at the 2016 Pro Bowl! Congratulations Heather!



It has been a big year for Titans Cheerleader Heather

It has been a big year for Titans Cheerleader Heather

Put Titans Cheerleader Heather in a red swimsuit, and major things just happen. Like when she met her husband, country music artist Ryan Kinder, when they were lifeguards during the summer after their high school graduation. Heather says, “He always laughs when we tell people how we met, because he says I was the ‘worst life guard ever, but I sure did look good in that red swimsuit.'” And this season, Heather, while donning another red swimsuit, made the cover of the Titans Cheerleader Calendar. “The calendar is always one of the most favorite experiences of Titans Cheers,” Heather states. “Not every team has a calendar, and if they do the entire team isn’t guaranteed a picture. I love that our Director, Stacie, finds a way to include all of us. Having a picture in an NFL calendar four years in a row is such a privilege and sharing the cover with three amazing women this year is an honor.”

Well, UltimateCheerleaders is honored to feature Heather, and we will share more about this Birmingham, Alabama native, who is ensconced in Nashville’s entertainment sector, between her work, husband, and weekends at Nissan Stadium. We will learn what advice she gives people moving to Nashville trying to make it in the music industry, how being a Titans Cheerleader gave her a chance to cuddle a kangaroo, and Heather will share when she wishes she could throw yellow penalty flags in real life.

It has been an absolutely memorable fourth TTC season for Heather. In addition to being on the calendar cover, she went on two international trips, and Heather is in her first season as a line captain. “I knew from the beginning of my rookie season that I wanted to be a captain one day,” Heather says. “The workload has increased, but I love the challenge. I call myself the ‘rookie captain,’ since Julia, Jessi, and Anne have been in this role prior to this season. I spend a lot of time studying what they do to see what I can apply to my leadership style.”

Titans Cheerleaders 2016  Calendar cover

Titans Cheerleaders 2016 Calendar cover

And as line captain, what advice does Heather have for her rookies as they start their Titans Cheerleader career? “My key advice for a rookie is to soak up every minute,” Heather responds. “You will never get to relive the first time you ran on the field as an NFL Cheerleader. Also, pay attention to the vets and your captains. The atmosphere of game day is overwhelming. Look to the others so you don’t get lost!”

Heather was drawn to being part of the Titans Cheerleaders because two of her interests intersect right on the sidelines of Nissan Stadium. “I love football and performing, and I think it’s really important for an NFL cheerleader to have fun with both,” Heather shares. “Practices and game days are great excuses to hang out with my girlfriends and dance. My Titans sisters have quickly become some of my best friends and my Nashville family. The friendships play a major role in my return each year.”

Heather traveled to Australia with three other NFL cheerleaders for last season's Super Bowl

Heather traveled to Australia with three other NFL cheerleaders for last season’s Super Bowl

And Titans Cheer has taken Heather from one end of the globe to the other, from north of the border to south. Way, way south. “TTC has given me endless opportunities,” Heather says. “Each appearance and community event offers such a great experience, but my two trips probably hold the most memories. At the beginning of 2015, I traveled to Alice Springs, Australia, on behalf of Pro Tour Productions and Armed Forces Entertainment. Eight of us, three cheerleaders from other teams, two NFL players and one guide, traveled during the week of Super Bowl XLIX to visit the US military based in Alice Springs. We spent the entire week with the military members and their families. We went off-roading in the outback, visited a kangaroo sanctuary, taught a football/cheerleading clinic for the kids on base, and so much more. The experience was truly a blessing. We wrapped up the trip by watching the game, which aired live at 9 AM on Monday, with the families before heading back to the States.”

G'day mate!  Heather gets to hang out with a couple authentic Aussies

G’day mate! Heather gets to hang out with a couple authentic Aussies

International trip number two was when the Titans recently played an away game on Thursday Night Football, Heather and the three other Titans Cheerleaders were the toast of Ottawa, as they brought the game day experience to our neighbors to the north. “I traveled to Ottawa, Canada with Julia, Anne, Evony, and our director, Stacie,” Heather explains. “We were invited by NFL Canada to attend the sixth of eight ‘Thursday Night Football Kickoff Tour’ parties. The idea behind the event is to bring the NFL up close and personal to our Canadian fans. Since the Titans had a TNF away game, we were invited to watch our game with our Canadian fans. We opened the event with a five minute dance, signed posters and calendars, and one lucky guy won two tickets to Super Bowl 50! We were only in Ottawa for a couple of days, but we packed in a ton of activities. We saw Parliament, experienced the ByWard market, and visited the local news, radio stations, and two newspapers. The best part was that the city was already decorated for Christmas!”

Titans Cheerleaders visit morning news in Ottawa

Titans Cheerleaders visit morning news in Ottawa

Evony, Julia, Anne, and Heather seeing the sights of the capital city to the north

Evony, Julia, Anne, and Heather seeing the sights of the capital city to the north

When she is not cheering for Nashville’s Titans, she has another person to root for, her husband Ryan Kinder, who is moving ahead in Nashville’s music scene. “I am Ryan’s biggest cheerleader,” Heather says. “The industry isn’t easy, and he has worked so hard to get to where he is today. I’m so amazed by how his creative mind works, how his fingers seem to slide effortlessly up and down the guitar, and his smoothing voice.”

After Heather and Ryan met as lifeguards, they began dating two years later, when Heather was a junior at the University of Alabama. Heather says, “Ryan has a record deal with Warner Music Nashville and a publishing deal with Warner Chappell, so he writes all of his music. I’m a little biased, but I think all of his songs are the best ever.”

Are there songs Ryan sings that are very special to Heather because she inspired them? “Most of them are about broken hearts or break ups, so I hope those aren’t about me,” jokes Heather. “He is currently on radio tour promoting his new single ‘Tonight,’ and he’s touring with Jennifer Nettles as one of her openers. About a year ago he wrote a song for me, ‘Nothing But Time,’ which he plays on both current tours. He always jokes with the audience that the song is so obviously written about me since the first line of the chorus says, ‘I ain’t rich, I don’t have much.’”

Heather has a degree in Public Relations from Alabama, so she is a great resource for Ryan’s career. “I definitely think I can contribute to Ryan’s career because of my experience,” Heather says. “I understand the business side of his career, and I have a passion for brand awareness. I am constantly thinking about what we can do to grow his brand. Young adult females are his target audience, and as a member of that demographic I think that gives me the right to recommend what he wears!”

It seems like Heather and Ryan would seem to be special people to have spouses as performers. Heather is a favorite to many Nashville football fans, and Ryan travels for his career; two things many couples might struggle with. “Neither of us chose traditional careers, and I think that’s why we work,” explains Heather. “We understand and support each other’s lifestyles. When Ryan is on the road, he is the first and last person I think about and pray for each day. FaceTime and iMessages keep us close while he is traveling. When he is home we are very conscious of our time and make sure to spend as much of it together as possible. Our careers keep us busy as individuals, but we always put each other first.”

In addition to her personal connections to sports and entertainment, Heather’s day job is also in that realm. “I just celebrated my three-year anniversary with a business management firm headquartered on Nashville’s Music Row,” Heather says. “Many of the skills I garnered in school have contributed to my success as a full-time executive assistant to the CEO. While I do tend the typical assistant duties, I am also responsible for the firm’s marketing, community involvement and maintaining client relationships. Most importantly I am an extension of (the CEO) Lou and her vision for the staff and clients. Time really does fly when you’re having fun, and I have a lot of fun with my job.”

Heather during the 2014 season

Heather during the 2014 season

So Heather’s knowledge and expertise have been an important resource for those, like her TTC teammate Heidi, who are in Nashville to make their start in country music. Asked what advice Heather would give someone looking to move to Nashville and take a chance on the music scene, she replies, “Get involved! It really is all about whom you know in this town. There is so much talent in Nashville, and if you don’t get out and meet people, you will be overlooked. Writer Nights happen seven days a week. Make a point to attend as many as possible. We have the best musicians and artists in this city, so check out live shows. Watch and listen to see what you can take away to enhance your shows. Professional mixers take place almost every week. Attending these mixers allow you to meet managers, agents, attorneys, et cetera. If you’re in your 20’s and 30’s, I suggest checking out Young Entertainment Professionals (yepnashville.com) an organization for young professionals in the industry.”


Hannah is in her second season with the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders

Hannah is in her second season with the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders

The NFL’s “Football is Family” campaign is also often embodied by the league’s cheerleaders. For instance, Hannah, a second year Tennessee Titans Cheerleader, and her dad have a special football bond. “Both of my parents attended Alabama, and my dad had the opportunity to play football for the legendary Coach Bear Bryant,” Hannah says. “My dad and I share a love of football together, so to be able to talk football with him and go to games together was really special, and still are. We have even continued our tradition of attending the first game of the season together, just he and I, and that is my favorite Alabama game all year.”

Like a lot of recent Alabama student-athletes, Hannah made it to the NFL! Hannah shared with UltimateCheerleaders how knee issues could not deter her goal since ninth grade goal to be an NFL Cheerleader, how Hannah and her sisters show that their hometown of may be the “City of Sisterly Love,” and how her dog Walt’s double dose of intelligence allows him to make Hannah perform tricks in the morning before she can leave home.

Hannah is originally from Jasper, Alabama, and is one of three sisters, which inspired her choice for “favorite book” in her online Titans Cheerleader bio. “Weird Sisters Is a book I picked up at the airport not having any knowledge about the book and the story line,” Hannah explains. “However, it just spoke to me, so I bought it. It turns out it was a story about a family of five with three daughters. I am a family of five and the middle child of two other sisters. The book just touched me and I related to it so well, because it talks about the ups and downs of siblings, but no matter what in the end you will always have your sisters.”

Hannah during her rookie season

Hannah during her rookie season

“I am very blessed to have two amazing sisters,” Hannah continues. “Both have taught me so much about life and about myself. When I think about Meghan, my oldest sister, I think about how she was always a very motherly sister to me, she has such a selfless heart, and would go above and beyond for me. She is the sister that would give me ideas, helped me bring out my creative side, and she always let me tag along with her. We also lived together in college, and she would do anything for me, she one time even brought me a paper that I forgot to my 8:00 AM class. Thanks Megs!”

“Now, when I think of Hallie Grace, my youngest sister, she is a little spitfire. I was very quiet when I was younger and still kind of am today, and she is my sister who would be my voice and speak out for me when I wouldn’t. She always taught me to believe in myself, which, I think, speaks volume for who she is as a person. Also, we both also are pretty witty and sarcastic, her a little more so than me. For example, she once gave me a birthday card that said, ‘To the pretty one in the family.’ I opened it up to find it say, ‘From the absolutely gorgeous one.’ So when we are together we usually are laughing a lot.”

Hannah’s youth was busily filled with gymnastics, dance, and cheerleading. “I was very busy growing up balancing mostly dance and gymnastics, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything,” Hannah says. “I started dance when I was two and gymnastics when I was four years old at Marilyn Sanders Performing Arts Center in Jasper, Alabama. While I loved dance, gymnastics was my first passion that I truly enjoyed and loved. However, my mom never let me give up dance, because she knew it would help me succeed in gymnastics! I was a competitive level eight gymnast at American Gymnastics in Birmingham, Alabama, when I stopped competing due to Osgood-Schlatter disease, which is essentially an inflamed growth plate below your kneecap.”


Hannah recalls, “Leaving gymnastics was very hard for me. It was my life. I practiced 24 hours a week during the school year, and around 30 during the summer. However lucky for me, I can thank my mom for continuing to book those Sunday afternoon dance privates, because I was able to turn my full focus back to dance. Then a couple years later after the Osgood-Schlatter settled down, don’t get me wrong it still hurts me ‘til this day, I tried out for ACE All-Stars of Alabama, and cheered competitively with them for four years, while still dancing first days a week. So, Tuesday, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays, I would be in dance class, and Mondays and Wednesdays I would be at cheer practice.”



On October 17th, the Indiana Pacers held their traditional FanJam, a free event for the fans to see the newest edition of the team and whet their collective appetites for the upcoming season. Just like the basketball side, fans could also meet and see an on-court performance of the 2015-2016 Pacemates.

I went through the autograph line twice, and I told the Pacemates that I didn’t like how my first photographs turned out. Veteran Pacemate Arbara joked, “Did I break your camera?” No Arbara, you can bust some moves, and melt some hearts, but breaking a camera is not in the realm of possibilities.

The Pacemates are not the only dancers on FanJam day, though. The rookie Pacers have their annual dance off, in which the dance moves are generally, well, underwhelming (causing mass hilarity for the veterans) compared to their low post moves. Though rookie Joe Young’s performance to “Watch Me” exceeded expectations, the Pacemates still rule the court of dance talent.

Here are photos of this year’s FanJam:

Tai and Arbara

Tai and Arbara

Lauren and Erika

Lauren and Erika

Shelby and Brooke R

Shelby and Brooke R

Bridget and Alexis

Bridget and Alexis

Britney and Ciara

Britney and Ciara

Jordan and Kayla

Jordan and Kayla

Nici and Kendra

Nici and Kendra

Grace and Brooke O

Grace and Brooke O



Shout out to Bri, who makes UltimateCheerleaders her Monday morning read each week. Since she is in her second season with the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders, Bri is now an Ultimate Cheerleader too!

Got crowns? Well, the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders do! In addition to reigning Miss Tennessee USA Kiara and Miss Tennessee World Mariel, last Saturday night, rookie TTC Haley won the crown of Miss Mississippi USA! A real Halloween treat!

Miss Lauderdale County was crowned as Miss Mississippi USA 2016 in a glittering ceremony that took place on 31st October at Gold Strike Casino Resort in Tunica, Mississippi. Haley will now represent the state of Mississippi at the Miss USA 2016 pageant next year. She was crowned by the outgoing queen Courtney Elizabeth Byrd Miss Mississippi USA 2015.

Twenty-two year old Haley hails from Meridian. She is a graduate from Mississippi State University with a degree in Communication and a concentration in Broadcasting and Public Relations. She is a skin care consultant with Rodan + Fields. She is a cheerleader for Tennessee Titans. Haley won the title of Miss Teen Mississippi USA 2010 later she went on to win the fourth runner up crown at Miss Teen USA 2010 pageant.

Congratulations Haley! Here are some photos of Haley cheering on the Titans against the Falcons last Sunday at Nissan Stadium.







Julia is in her 7th TTC season

Julia is in her 7th TTC season

Since Wednesday, we have counted down the days to Halloween with each of the lines of the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders during their costumed second half last Sunday against the Falcons in Nissan Stadium (#BestHalloweenCostumesintheLeague). Today we feature Julia’s line, who had to withstand a bit of rain at the end of the game, but still looked perfect in their special attire. Let’s hope your Halloween is rain free today!

Redding,, California's Monica is in her second TTC season

Redding,, California’s Monica is in her second TTC season

In fact, the costumes were so realistic, if they remained still, naturalists could observe the natural behaviors of raccoon mascot T-Rac tugging on the tail of Monica’s super cool fox costume.

T-Rac being a rascal

T-Rac being a rascal

Whitney's dream job is a NASCAR driver

Whitney’s dream job is a NASCAR driver

Kiara is Miss Tennessee USA 2015

Kiara is Miss Tennessee USA 2015

Brooke is in her 3rd TTC season, and the Lebanon, Tennessee native is an Acute Care Occupational Therapist

Brooke is in her 3rd TTC season, and the Lebanon, Tennessee native is an Acute Care Occupational Therapist

In her second TTC season, Jennifer's hometown is Fairfield, Ohio

In her second TTC season, Jennifer’s hometown is Fairfield, Ohio


In her 4th season, Heather is now a line captain

In her 4th season, Heather is now a line captain

Sure, the Village People can offer you a construction worker and cop, but many a “young man” preferred Heather’s line during the Tennessee Titans Halloween game last Sunday. Besides their own Officer Elizabeth and Kaitlin for construction, Heather’s line includes superheroes, movie stars, and royalty. Referee Heather upholds the ruling on the field that the #BestHalloweenCostumesintheLeague were right in Nashville.

Elizabeth is already a fan favorite, in TTC year 2

Elizabeth is already a fan favorite, in TTC year 2

Virginia's Kaitlin is constructing a strong TTC career

Virginia’s Kaitlin is constructing a strong TTC career

There is no denying that rookie Brandi rules over the sidelines

There is no denying that rookie Brandi rules over the sidelines

Evony controls our little part of the "web"

Evony controls our little part of the “web”

Kristen is a perfect Elsa, but luckily the turf is not "frozen" yet

Kristen is a perfect Elsa, but luckily the turf is not “frozen” yet

Haley is a rookie TTC, and community activist from Meridan, Mississippi

Haley is a rookie TTC, and community activist from Meridian, Mississippi
