Ultimate Cheerleaders

Hamilton Tiger-Cats

Artistic Kim throws herself into the cheering for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats

Only a few minutes after meeting Kim of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats Cheerleaders, her bountiful ebullience and laughter, reflecting a truly positive spirit, is readily apparent. A story from childhood about her joyous attitude towards going to school still reflects Kim’s personality today. “I would always skip to school,” Kim remembers. “My parents’ house was backed […]

Happy Thanksgiving Canada! Let’s be thankful for Ticats Cheerleaders Casey, Kaitlin, and Jodie

Today’s holiday in Canada means the CFL will present their “Thanksgiving Day Classic” annual doubleheader. After Montreal hosts Winnipeg, the second game will be the rivalry Ontario game of Hamilton hosting Toronto, in their season long temporary home in Guelph. So enjoy the last day of your three day holiday weekend, Canadian friends, and enjoy […]

Follow along: Kara is both a Student Success Leader and Tiger-Cats CheerLeader

She’s been west to Vancouver, east to Halifax, been north on a two week portaging (that’s carrying your canoe and your gear between lakes) trip to Temagami, and internationally, to Italy, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, a lot of the Caribbean, and throughout the US as well. But the upcoming Grey Cup in Regina, Saskatchewan will fill […]

Tiger-Cats Cheerleader Tenisha also gets her kicks from karate

The CFL’s Hamilton Tiger-Cats Cheerleader Tenisha regrets that she did not start dancing earlier, but when she was young, Tenisha concentrated on karate. By nine, Tenisha won gold and silver medals for Team Canada at the Junior Olympics in karate. In her fourth year with the Ticats, Tenisha’s hometown is Stoney Creek, Ontario, and Tenisha […]

The Hamilton Tiger-Cats Cheerleaders seamlessly transition to a season at home in Guelph

This is a very unique season for the CFL’s Hamilton Tiger-Cats Cheerleaders. For one thing, the Ticats are spending a season away from Hamilton, as Tim Horton’s Field is being built to replace their former home, Ivor Wynne Stadium. Therefore, the Tiger-Cats Cheerleaders are on the sidelines of their temporary home, Alumni Stadium at the […]

Photo of the Day – August 26

From last Saturday, Hamilton Tiger Cats Cheerleader Sara

Quick – Someone Get Roger Godell on the Phone

That’s a photo from last Sunday’s Grey Cup, the championship game for the Canadian Football League. Every Grey Cup features cheerleaders from all the CFL teams. They perform at events leading up to the game and the game itself. How awesome would it be if the NFL brought in all their cheerleading squads for the […]

2012-13 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Cheerleaders

The Canadian Football League’s season kicked off in July, and some of the teams are finally getting around to updating their cheerleader pages. Click here to check out the 2012 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Cheerleaders.

2012 Ticats Cheerleaders Calendar Release Party

[Ticats Cheerleaders]

Ticats Cheerleader’s Calendar Photo Shoot

The Ticats Cheerleader’s strike a pose at Ivor Wynne Stadium for their calendar photo shoot. [Ticats Cheerleaders]